Celebrating Our First Year of Partnership

Indigo Bay celebrates its first year of membership with the United Nations Global Compact.
Continuing our commitment to truly sustainable and responsible business practices.

At Indigo Bay Catering & Events, we believe leadership extends beyond the realm of business operations. Innovative, sustainable and socially responsible practices should be at the forefront of everyday business activity. This philosophy is upheld by our commitment to delivering high-impact initiatives, with real,
tangible measures.

In 2021, after a lengthy audit and application process, Indigo Bay Events was proud to be certified and awarded membership to the prestigious United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

As a United Nations GC signatory, we are required to strictly abide by key sustainable and socially responsible targets and pillars. Each year, we are also required to submit a comprehensive sustainability report on the previous year’s activities and measurable data to confirm these activities. The United Nations GC members are to at all times abide by the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

March 2022 marks our one-year milestone and has provided an opportunity, not to reflect upon our achievements in 2021, but to look forward as we work towards joining the United Nations as a ‘LEAD Member’. In becoming a United Nations LEAD member, we will pursue an even more active role within the
United Nations, attending international United Nations events and by further improving the social, ethical & sustainable practices within our company and our partners.

Our achievements in 2021 include moving to 100% bio-packaging, the employment of multiple indigenous staff, maintaining a 92%+ female employee ratio, eco-waste compost & solutions, a significant move to utilise local providers & farmers together with lowering of overall freight usage.

in 2022-2021 we have multiple targets including,

  • A 30% reduction of overall bio-packaging, moving to re-usable products.
  • Organic vegetable ink to be used within our offices and our various team’s uniform dye’s.
  • Further increasing our total employment of indigenous team members.
  • Reducing company goods freight by 45%.
  • Soft or sustainable bio-chemical usage.
  • Achieving 100% Carbon Neutral status by 2022/2023.
  • Achieving membership of LEAD Status with the United Nations Global Compact.
  • Achieving certification of LEED (Leadership, in Energy, & Environmental Design), with the United States Green Building Council.

As a team, we understand our responsibility to be a sustainable and responsible company and the impact our efforts have on improving the footprint we leave behind. We are excited to share our new initiatives and demonstrate the real, measurable outcomes as they come into fruition, taking you on the journey with us to a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible industry.


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